Tuesday 12 July 2016

Walking and Writing are the best ways to Burst out our Stress!!!!!!!!!!!

In these so called modern days, we are engaged in different activities right from the time we get up in the morning to till we go for bed. Each of these activities comes with its own complexities. We have been taking care to start our day with fresh energy, but as the day proceeds we will go crazy because of the complexities or challenges involved in our day to day tasks. By the end of the day we not only lose our energy but also the enthusiasm of working, there will be a drastic rise of stress upon our mind and body. Of course there are many remedies that come handy which could be healthy and unhealthy, when i said unhealthy many of us could empathize with the variety of stuffs. Equally acknowledgeable are the huge set of healthy stuffs also, it could be going for recreational and sports clubs, art and music classes and the list goes on. I wonder how many of us do all of these (by the way healthy way of bursting out the stress) regularly, i mean we get stressed regularly which everyone accepts it but when we question how many of us try to release it by engaging in healthy activities that too on a regular basis, you could imagine the number, i.e. not much. The prime reason is that we get resisted by our mind to involve it appears to more stressful due to multiple reasons. Hence through this blog I would like to suggest the two best ways which i find it as it can be performed easily with lesser time in a place available in and around where we are located. One is to go out for a walk connecting ourselves with the nature, doing self-talks, injecting positive affirmations and more over analyzing our day and think what we could have been done better so as to enhance the value towards our work. The one more idea is to write, writing is the best way to express it may not be necessarily a blog but even we could scribble something on our mind on a scribbling pad. We could scribble our daily thoughts, action plans, dreams which we plan to achieve, vision for our life, our next shopping plans, travel destinations, we could writing a situation which could end in being a short film story, a series of short articles which could be compiled as a book, what not the list goes on and on. By the by these two ideas does not demands any monetary investment unlike clubs and societies but it all asks us for our time, which we are responsible to make it available for our own goodness. If I would have not decided to write this blog I would have been to bed by this time but I chose to write some of my professional theories which expanded my knowledge base and just now I am going to complete this blog about the above subject, at this time almost as a day starts in India, Nightlife begins in USA and midnight in Ireland where i stay. With this I hope i have busted out my stress by blogging about the same now, which had got accumulated over last two days. Irrespective of the time zone we are in when we read this blog as symbol of fresh start of our stressless  day, i wish all of us a magnificent day ahead, Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!